We can create faithful, archival reproductions of your original artwork and photography. We handle any or all of the steps involved in the process, from the digitizing of your art (if necessary) to the production of the final prints. We can also work from original digital artwork, or from existing scans or transparencies if they are of adequate quality. When drum scans are needed, we recommend working from 4x5 transparencies. See Scanning info for more.
We are currently printing with an Epson 9600 using Ultrachrome archival inks. The combination of a wide gamut seven-color inkset and Epson’s extremely small variable drop size yields continuous tone quality and faithful color on a wide variety of media, including artist canvas and many different types of fine art paper.
Many paper options are available. Please give us a call for more information or to set up an opportunity to look at samples. Print size, paper thickness, surface character and the tonality of the paper “whiteness” are some of the factors to consider when choosing a paper.
We include preliminary proofs within the cost of the first print in order to predict the color accuracy of the final prints. Difficult adjustments requiring multiple proofs may incur additional charges. Adjusted print files are archived for future use and are also supplied on CD upon request, at no additional charge.
Maximum print width is 44 inches. Roll media can accommodate almost any length. The largest available sheet size is 36x44.
See Print Finishing info for mounting and/or lamination options, including UV coating for canvas prints.
Fine Art Prints
• Fine Art Giclee Prints:
  1. Artist Canvas
  2. 100% Rag papers
  3. Watercolor papers
  4. Matte papers
  5. Photo papers
  6. Specialty media
THURSTON Digital • Large Format Display Prints • Print Finishing • Scanning Services • Digital Slides, Negatives and